About The College Of Nursing 

The Department of Nursing began at KAU in 1977 implementing the first baccalaureate nursing education program in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, with six Saudi female students declaring nursing as their major, it was affiliated as a department in the college of medicine and medical sciences, but since the establishment of the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences in 2003, nursing became one of faculty's five departments; later the faculty of nursing is established in 1433 H. The number of students increased annually to reach the total number of 977 graduates by 2013. Many graduates hold leading nursing positions in various health organizations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia today. The nursing curriculum was and still is a four year academic program followed by one- year internship program at the hospital during which the graduate consolidates her clinical skills and academic knowledge leading to the Bachelor Degree of Science in Nursing The B.Sc. program in nursing incorporate a curriculum from the humanities, behavioral and basic sciences, to offer general and professional education essential for understanding human beings, their environment, health and nursing; for acquiring and using nursing theory upon which nursing practice is based. The program offers courses in maternity and woman's health, child health, psychiatric-mental health, medical-surgical adult health, leadership and management, research process and methodologies, as well as community health nursing and primary care. These courses are designed to improve the education and training of professional nurses; to promote the uniformity in the basic curriculum and teaching methods of nursing education; to foster personal growth, self-understanding, critical thinking and judgment, motivation for continued learning, and produce desired behavioral changes.

Last Update
1/29/2024 2:14:13 PM